Welcome to the New IP Network Consulting

The business world is moving to digital communications, and today there are more cell phones and mobile devices than people. More applications are being hosted in the cloud, and as wearables become more and more the norm, they will become the device of choice, incorporating and possibly replacing all of today’s PC and mobile applications.

Make no mistake, this is complicated stuff and yes it is “very technical”. Unless you have sufficient in-house resources to dedicated to building your technology strategy and to implementing a working technology platform, you are going to find that going it on your own is problematic and time consuming. And expensive.

Marshaling the resources to conduct a needs analysis, finding the right technology, preparing an RFP, meeting with and vetting vendors, pricing a comprehensive solution, and matching it to your business objectives requires your full time attention.

We have worked hard to reflect the changing trends in Business Communications Technology on our updated web site. We are not dropping older core competencies, or just adding new buzz words, but rather we are focusing on building upon our Optimizing Business Communications Technology™ consulting platform. This platform fully aligns with current industry trends in technology and business communications applications. We have deepened our relationships with progressive legacy telecom vendors, but have also sought out and met with built relationships with many new providers who are not specifically “telecom” vendors, but specialize in conversion to Digital, Cloud Applications, Cyber Security, Customer Engagement Technology, Mobility, and Wireless.

We are committed to working with our clients to improve their business profitability, and productivity, by defining, finding, and implementing appropriate business technology; whether for internal operations or exploring new business opportunities.

Talk to us. We are confident that we can help you.

Warmest Regards,

Dennis Goodhart